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Knitting for the Soul

Monday, April 17, 2006

I've Moved...

It's been a long time since I posted here. I wasn't even sure that anyone still visited this site, but since I've been getting e-mails about it lately, I thought I'd better let you know that I've moved.

I'm still blogging, and writing, praying and counting my blessings. I've recently been led to start a virtual online knitting ministry which is were I'm spending most of my time these days. Please visit Soulful Knitting Ministries so we can get re-acquainted.

Thanks to those of you who have already purchased the book, The Joy of Soulful Knitting. Actually, if I ever become rich and famous you'll have the collector's versions because among the many other changes in my life over the last 6 months, I've also changed my name. You'll have to visit the other site for the scoop. Because of the name change, and to tie-in with the ministry, I've postponed the formal rollout of the book, but my goal is to have the updated version ready by Mother's Day. Again, please visit the new blog for more details, including information on how to purchase the book and journal.

The ministry will be launching several projects over the coming months, but I'm really excited about our first big one which has just started - the Think Pink Challenge. We have an agressive goal of knitting 1,000 pink scarves between now and the end of September to be donated to the American Cancer Society for Breast Cancer Awareness month in October.

The amount of interest and enthusiasm for this project has been heartwarming. Please prayerfully consider joining us in this worthy effort. If everyone reading this could knit just one pink scarf a month between now and September, and ask 2 knitting buddies to do the same, imagine how quickly we could meet our goal!


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