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Knitting for the Soul

Friday, July 22, 2005

The clock is ticking!!!

No, not my biological clock... that one quit working ages ago. I'm referring to my book! I sent both the book and the companion journal off to the printer this morning. I should have a printed review copy by the middle of next week, and if everything looks as it should, I'll be a published author by this time next week!

This project has really been a labor of love for me. It's been fun and exciting, but it's also been painful and emotionally exhausting - not writing the book itself, but living through the experiences that have provided the insights and revelations that I write about in the book. I thought I'd be nervous about exposing my heart and soul to the world in the way that I am, but I'm not. This is by far the most authentic thing I've ever done and I'm truly excited about it.

Last week I was at the Post Office getting a P.O. Box for my new publishing company and the guy at counter asked about the company, I guess he was intrigued by the company name. I told him that I'd written a book about the connection between knitting and spirituality and that I was forming a publishing company to self-publish it. He made me promise that as soon as it was available, that I bring a signed copy in and he would buy it and see if he could drum up a few more sales for me!

It was a very bittersweet moment for me, particularly in light of the fact that my husband declined my request that he read the book before it went to press. I'm fully aware that we're separating and that I didn't need his approval or even his feedback, but I'd thought that he would at least read the book out of respect (if not just a tiny bit of love left) for me. I'd hoped that by reading it, he would see a part of my heart and soul that he'd been unable or unwilling to notice during the years we've been married. The "honor" of being the first to read something so important to me was to have been my last "gift" to him. But then, I shouldn't be surprised that he refused. So... I'm about to put this baby out there into the world for everyone to see. If I start to feel anxious about how it will be received, I'll remember Jack at the Post Office, who thought enough of me to buy the book even though I'm sure he's not even a knitter! :)

If all goes as planned, the book will be available by this time next week. I'll post here first, so stay tuned! Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers...


  • YEAH for you! i'm so excited for you! you'll be in my prayers!

    By Blogger StarKnits, at 5:08 PM  

  • Wow, congratulations!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:43 PM  

  • Congratulations!

    Sorry your husband did not want to read the book. Maybe some day he will. If not, try not to let it bother you.

    Many more will read your book. Those that do will share in the wonderful revelations you present.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 1:24 PM  

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