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Knitting for the Soul

Friday, April 08, 2005

On my knees... AGAIN!!!

It happened again. You may remember that I blogged a while back about how every single time I reach the end of my self and I ask for help, God comes through for me, usually in ways even more awesome than I could have asked for. The "logical" thing to do then, would be to stay on my knees, inviting him to keep me on track rather than pulling me back on track. But of course, I never claimed to be logical, although I really do try.

What I am is reactionary... to a fault. I know what I'm supposed to be doing, but I get so caught up in the drama-du-jour, that before I know it, I've fallen off of the proverbial wagon and back into an emotional morass. Which is where I've been waddling for the past few months while trying on my own, unsuccessfully I might add, to deal with a host of personal and family crises.

Well, on Sunday, I finally came up for air long enough to realize where I was and what I was doing, and I realized that it wasn't at all where I wanted to be. Again, I went to Him, and again, He came through. I can't begin to tell you how many unexpected but much needed blessings have come my way in the past few days... financial, emotional and otherwise. Hopefully I'll be able to stop kicking myself for my stupidity (in trying to handle things on my own for so long) for long enough to give God the thanks and praise that He deserves. So I'm saying it publically... if you're struggling with doubts, concerns, fears or simply feeling a touch of the blues, don't waste another minute trying to think, reason or rationalize your way out of it. The solution you seek is simple... just ask!


  • I don't think I've ever read that put so well. So right on too.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:08 AM  

  • Hey Girl,
    I hope your ok...haven't heard from you in awhile....email me if you get a chance....Lori lxc8@psu.edu

    By Blogger Lori, at 9:56 AM  

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